High-Performance Ignition Systems is a completely updated guide to understanding automotive ignition systems, from old-school points and condensers to modern computer-controlled distributorless systems, and from bone-stock systems to highly modified. Author Todd Ryden leads you through the various components in this update, explaining the theory behind the operation and how the parts work with each other to achieve the ultimate goal of efficient combustion. The inside scoop on all the new coils, wires, spark plugs, distributors, magnetos, inductive systems, CD ignitions, multiple-spark systems, computer ignition controls, rev limiters - all are covered for both street and race applications.
This book will help you understand how your car's ignition works, update you on all the latest components, including distributorless and coil per cylinder systems and it will help you choose the right components for your car's performance needs.
Chapter 1:
Electrical System Overview: Introduction to Automotive Ignition Operation
System Sides
The Coil
Trigger Device
Spark Plug Wires
Spark Plugs
Ignition Controls
Battery and Charging System
The Sum of the Parts
Chapter 2:
Distributor Basics: Triggers, Timing Advance and Delivery
Distributing the Spark
Triggering the Ignition
Mechanical Advance
Vacuum Advance
Caps and Rotors
Chapter 3:
Distributors and Timing: Dialing in Centrifugal Advance
Choosing a Distributor
Timing Changes
Centrifugal Advance
Removal and Installation
Adjusting Ignition Timing
Proper Gears and Mesh
Chapter 4:
Performance Ignition Controls: Choosing an Ignition for Your Engine
Inductive System
Capacitive Discharge System
RPM Limiters
Boost Retard
Programming Performance
Chapter 5:
Coils, Wires and Plugs: Take a Look at the Secondary Side
Spark Plug Wires
Spark Plugs
Chapter 6:
Electronic Accessories: RPM and Timing Controls
RPM Limiters
RPM Switches
Shift Lights
Timing Control
Boost Retard
Locked-Out Timing
Step Retard
Crank Trigger
Rotor Phasing
Chapter 7:
Advanced Ignition Tuning: Performance from a PC
Mechanical Cylinder Timing
Electronic Cylinder Timing
Programmable Ignitions
Timing Retards
Gear Curves
Gear Maps
Boost Timing Map
Step Retard
RPM Function
Slew Limit
Chapter 8:
Going DIS: Where’s the Distributor?
Technological Advances
Coil Pack Ignition Upgrades
Late-Model Muscle
Retrofit Ignitions
Chapter 9:
Batteries, Charging and Wiring: Fuel for the Fire
Charging System
Chapter 10:
Definitions and Diagrams: Useful Info and Wiring Schematics
Troubleshooting Your CD Ignition
Wiring an Ignition Control to an HEI
Source Guide