Detailed sections show how to disassemble a used engine, inspect for signs of damage, select replacement parts, buy machine work, check critical component fit, and much more! The DVD takes a trip to the machine shop and shows the viewer the entire process. Performance mods and upgrades are discussed along the way, so the book and DVD combo meets the needs of all enthusiasts, from restorers to hot rodders. This rare instructional combination package is a must-have for every small-block Chevy fan.
What Is a Workbench® Book?
Chapter 1:
Before You Begin
The Small-Block Family
Engine Building Tools
The Workspace
Cleaning Area
Engine Handling
Air Compressors
Do You Need to Rebuild?
System Diagnostics
Removing the Engine
Chapter 2:
Engine Disassembly
Keep an Organized Workspace
Tools and Supplies
Safety First, Always!
Step-by-Step Engine Dissassembly
Chapter 3:
Initial Parts Inspection
Before the Machine Shop
What To Do When Your Parts Don’t Pass Inspection
Initial Parts Inspection
Chapter 4:
Selecting Parts
Camshaft Drives
Cam Bumpers and Drive Covers
Camshaft Kits
Crankshaft and Connecting Rods
Cylinder Heads
Distributors and Ignitions
Exhaust Manifolds
Intake Manifolds
Oil System
Pistons and Rings
Rocker Arms and Studs
Chapter 5:
The Machine Shop
Finding and Dealing with a Machine Shop
Who’s Responsible?
Before You Drop Off Parts
Cleaning and Crack Detection
Block Machine Work
Head Machine Work
Piston Machine Work
Piston Rings
Rod Machine Work
Crankshaft Machine Work
Engine Balancing
Manifold Machine Work
Other Machine Shop Services
Picking Up Your Parts
Things To Do After You Pick Up Your Parts
Post-Machine-Shop Procedures
Chapter 6:
Component Cleaning
Tools and Supplies
Important Considerations
Component Cleaning Procedures
Chapter 7:
Pre-Assembly Fitting
Preparations and Supplies
Precision Tools
Special Considerations
Final Tips
Step-by-Step Pre-Assembly Fitting
Chapter 8:
Final Assembly
Tools and Supplies
Final Assembly Tips
Step-by-Step Final Assembly
Chapter 9: Installation, Break-In and Testing
Installing the Engine
Starting Your New Engine
Step-by-Step Engine Installation
Cylinder Numbers and Firing Order
Torque Sequences
Torque Specifications
Piston Ring Gap Alignment
Timing Belt/Chain Alignment Marks
General Specifications
Work-A-Long Sheet
Source Guide